Cockroach Pest Control
German Cockroach Pest Control

There are hundreds of types of Cockroaches world-wide however the most common roaches are the Brown-Banded Cockroach, American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach and German Cockroaches.

The most common cockroaches found in homes, hotels, kitchens and businesses are the German Cockroach.  These cockroaches have a incredible reproduction rate and can infest your home or business quickly as each ootheca can contain up to 50 eggs.

These pests seek shelter in a area that is close to their source of food and moisture which is commonly found in the kitchen or washrooms, they can however take shelter in other areas of  your home. 

They can cause illness by contaminating your food as they pick up bacteria from filth to food as they they move freely from one place to another. This contamination of food and prep areas can cause salmonella and gastroenteritis in humans. Other health issues that can arise from their shed skins and excrement are allergies, eczema and asthma. Find out more about German Cockroaches  

Contact us now for Cockroach Control before these pests completely overtake your home or business.

German Cockroach Droppings
cockroach, roach, german cockroach extermination