
Yellow Jacket Pest Control
Ant Programs PRO

Some ants are a nuisance while others can be very destructive. There are hundreds of types of ants species, however the most common ants are the Pavement Ants, Pharaoh Ants, Carpenter Ants, Argentine Ants, Black Ants, Odorous Ants and Thief Ant.

While any of these ants can find their way into your home through a small foundational crack or openings, once they have made their way inside they can be quite disruptive as they forage for food. The most common destructive ant is the Carpenter Ant. 

The Carpenter ant seeks shelter in rotting or soft wet wood as they build their nests by hollowing out galleries. They can cause damage to the structure of your home or business. 

Carpenter ants prefer animal matter, plants and their natural food sources are insects and the sweet bodily fluids from aphids. These ants become a nuisance when they find their way into your home to forage for food scraps. 

With the proper pest identification of the species of ant we at Pest Relief Operations can assist you in addressing your Pest Issues.

Book Your Ant Control Service with the PROs

Ant Extermination
Carpenter Ants Pest Control
ant, ants, insect
Carpenter Ant Control
Ant Programs PRO
Citronella Ants Control
black ant, garden ant, insect
Black Ant Control
Pharaoh Ant Control
Odorous House Ant Pest Control
Odorous Ant Control